Moving Out Of Pisces Energy And Into The Age Of Aquarius
I was moved to make this video while thinking back on the many conversations I had over the past week. We're going to be ok friends, stay strong and stand in your truth. These events have been a long time coming and we know why.
Read the articleFrustrated In Leadership Or Mentoring?
Leadership is a challenging place and sometimes it's a very lonely place. I spend a great deal of time mentoring and working with leaders and from the corporate world to the spiritual world the challenges are all pretty much the same and come from the same place. I just wanted to encourage the leaders out there right now who are finding the process a little challenging.
Read the articlePower Over Fear
So much of the world is consumed with fear! How do you protect yourself from fear and its damaging effects? Shane talks us through the fear and anxiety process, how to understand it and how to overcome it. As always, if you are struggling with fear reach out and we will do all we can to help
Read the article